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Project Updates

Below you will find the latest updates for projects in development and permitting. You can find more information about the different phases of development under Oil and Gas 101.  If you have additional questions, please reach out to us on the Oxy Response Line. Operational timeframes are impacted by various factors and are subject to change; we will keep you updated via this web page.

Locations Under Development

Sprout: Rademacher, Clover, and Alfalfa

We have permit approval from both state and local agencies. 

Rademacher: We began drilling in late June and will finish drilling the first half of wells in August 2024.

Clover and Alfalfa: work will begin on these wells in the fall of 2024. 

Oak: Alder and Acacia

We have permit approval from both state and local agencies. Pad Construction on the Acacia location is scheduled to begin fall 2024.

Mt. Democrat

Berry Farms: Interim reclamation is expected to conclude in July 2024.

Swartz: Completions activities started in late June and work will complete in the early fall. 

Camenisch: Horizontal drilling is underway. Completions is expected to begin in August.

North Core

Blue Chip: All major operations have been completed. Periodic work will take place as  reclamation continues. Please connect with a member of our Stakeholder Relations team if you have specific questions.
Rainbow:  A smaller rig will be performing work through the third week in July and crews will not be back until the end of the year.
Pikes Peak

Moser: Completions Activities are completed. 

Wardell: Completions Activities are completed.

Hethcock: Completions Activities are expected to complete in July 2024.

Schmerge: Horizontal drilling is expected to begin in late July.
Vista: Completions activities began in July 2024 and are expected to wrap up in fall 2024.

The first portion of drilling has finished. Crews will continue to be onsite to wrap up completions activities for the first portion of the project and will begin drilling the second portion in August.


Completions activities are expected to begin in fall 2024. 

Fort Lupton: Griswold

Various construction work continues and is expected to continue intermittently through December 2024.

Locations in Planning and Permitting

Geothermal Pilot Project

Geothermal energy is a form of renewable energy derived from the heat stored beneath the earth's surface. We are planning on using our industry-leading expertise in drilling and carbon management to work towards Net Zero emissions goals. Oxy is working through the permitting process on a geothermal project in your community. The two-well project requires permits from both the Colorado Energy and Carbon Management Commission (ECMC) and Weld County. The timeline for development is based on obtaining the required permits and drilling rig availability. At this time, we estimate that drilling will start in 2025. We commit to keeping you updated throughout the permitting process and providing additional details before beginning construction.


We are currently working through the permitting process. Please check click the link to the right for project location and details. 


We continue to work through the state and local permitting processes. The Energy and Carbon Management Commission has determined the application to be complete.

Locations Previously Developed

Beierle and Lapka

We will soon be conducting work at this existing oil and natural gas location. This temporary work involves using temporary water tanks and other industry equipment to pump water into the existing wells. These operations is currently scheduled to begin in early June 2024 and last two to three weeks. Please call the Response line for additional details about timing and operations near you.


You may have received information about this area being evaluated for a proposed project. If you live nearby and would like to provide feedback, please feel free to contact a member of our stakeholder relations team. 

Important Links

Apr 2023 - MLVT

Project Archives

View the project archives for wells that are producing.

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